You can get reimbursed for your purchase if you have coverage under your NVA policy and qualify for Out-of-Network reimbursement. Follow the instructions shown below to redeem your reimbursement.
Full claim instructions may be available on the claim form.
Your policy / membership id and/or authorization may be required.
Service provider information is available on the online receipt, which may be obtained by following step 2.
Products or services must be paid in full. Your insurance provider may require the HCPCS / CPT Diagnostic Codes for the products itemized to be included on the receipt. Each code may be hand-written next to the relevant item on the itemized purchase receipt.
3. Send documents to provider
Mailing Address:
National Vision Administrators L.L.C.
P.O. Box 2187
CliftonNJ, 7015
How long does it take to receive reimbursement:
Many insurance providers will reimburse the purchase usually within 30-45 days. For details or status of a claim request, please contact the provider.
Buy glasses and eyewear online with your Aflac Out-of-Network coverage: